Built in 1292 by order of Novgorod archbishop Climent. Being unique for its unique solidity and unity, the church has partially adopted the Western-European architecture that proves the fact of artists’ contacts of Novgorod with Western Europe. It was erected right on the place where the icon to St. Nicholas the Wonder-worker had been founded. According to the legend, in the 12th c. the icon healed Mstislav the Prince who later on ordered St. Nicholas Cathedral – the prince’s cathedral in Yaroslav’s Courtyard - to be built.
The church sacred image was borrowed from the icon to St. Nicholas of Myra (1294) by master Aleksa Petrov. It was one of the first signed icons preserved till these days. The icon can be seen in the exposition “Russian Icon of 11th – 19th centuries in the collection of Novgorod State Museum”
The church is on the island of Lipno, an island of the Msta River. To get there take a boat or a motorboat.
St. Nicholas church on the Island of Lipno from Hippo on Vimeo.